The present seems to be very sparsely populated.
Ah, family...
My dysfunctional family of origin starts to look better and better when I consider even the mob is designated a “family.” Left to my own devices, I’d be the consigliere in my clan, however, they voted me off the island decades ago.
The myth is families are there for you when things get tough and are interested enough to share the good stuff when there’s no drama to keep the story moving. Family resonates the ancient hope of the tribe to remain safe when the lions prowl.
Or not. Sometimes, they pour mesquite barbecue on your feet while you’re sleeping and feed you to the big cats.
Distance, death, difference of ideology, abuse ~ many events may disrupt a blood family.
In the end, the decision is ours to surround ourselves with the proxy family of our choosing ~ or those who have chosen us ~ and remember what George Burns said…
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”
Weighted down...
I have no idea why artists complain they have no use for their art history textbooks once they leave university. Beats hunting for a sandbag when a peice needs flattening.
Achieving the impossible...
It’s faster work to walk on water when all of the conditions are right. Possible when the seas are rough, although the effort may be taxing and the results take longer. Aligning ourselves with our inner knowing and tracking our intentions allows us to achieve what we often originally think is impossible.
'tis the season...
Holiday ships on the river. My inner magpie was smitten with the colors reflected in the water.
Cracking the Code...
I’ve been totally surprised when men stop me in public to compliment the floral shoes, on downtown city streets or plein air painting in the great out of doors. Women, on the other hand, comment on the vibrant stripes. The polarity of opinion appears to serve as a metaphor for the distinct differences between men and women. Perhaps the shoes symbolize the way we view ourselves and our projections for the opposite sex. I may have discovered the next Rosetta stone, a cipher for communication between Mars and Venus. If I can crack the code the Nobel Peace Prize is next. So close.