Mum and Iris, acrylic, 14.5 x 13.5 inches
Painting still life with friends is a play date for grown-ups.
Mum and Iris, acrylic, 14.5 x 13.5 inches
Painting still life with friends is a play date for grown-ups.
Suffer the Children, photo skins and transfers on steel, 18 x 12.
Graphite Drawing
Waiting for the wheels of big medical business to grind along for a heart scan, I did this drawing. Happy to say it was prophetic…my heart knew all along it was healthy.
Watercolor, Pitt pen and gouache sketch from a trip to the garden a couple of days ago. Thank you to Jacqueline Newbold for the ideas on how to prep a sketchbook. I find a light wash allowed to dry before the plein air session helps me get over myself and the ego need for “perfection” with a jump right in, damn the torpedos, energy.
Here’s a partially completed page with a wash of watercolor, divided by artist’s tape, in preparation for a field trip. The goose was from life and the fall scene from memories of a recent trip home to Alaska.
At Crystal Springs today. This fellow is very handsome.
So wonderful when a friend pampers us with exactly the kind of candy we like.
Thank you, Katherine.