Lay over...

Three waves of geese landed at the garden today, hundreds in each contingent. 

Three waves of geese landed at the garden today, hundreds in each contingent. 

The Townies seemed to share my awe. They stopped foraging and stood gawking right along with me. 

The Townies seemed to share my awe. They stopped foraging and stood gawking right along with me. 

When the wild things stop to say hello, I don't feel as abandoned by God and Man here in the city. 

When the wild things stop to say hello, I don't feel as abandoned by God and Man here in the city. 


Stacks, oil, 40 x 18

Stacks, oil, 40 x 18

At school,  a professor challenged us to make a painting a day if we wanted to learn how to paint,  not a wimpy 8 x 10",  a substantial work. I wanted to finish this in a single sitting, however, the format is a bit large to tackle in one day.  Took about six hours over two days to complete this first in a new series of oil paintings, Working The River. 

The goal for the series is to lose the muscle memory of painting in oil since I was 15 and become as free with color as I feel with more recent pastel experiences. I've been tied to a traditional palette in oil and wondering why the pastels are so much brighter when I hardly pick up a brown in pastel. The goal for this series is to abandon all browns, ochres, earth siennas and umbers to create strong browns or lovely grays from clear reds, blues and  yellows.