Almost finished...


Almost finished is not the same as completed. The stage where I can find any distraction to avoid making a commitment to the ending. The shapes and shadows of the reflections and buoy need refining. While the values are more accurate the colors need minor adjustments. Enjoying the new muted palette.


Working the River: Buoy ~ first block. Oil. 36 x 18." 

Working the River: Buoy ~ first block. Oil. 36 x 18." 

About this time every year, I feel as if I'm being dashed against the creative rocks. I'm beginning to realize I have a yearly artistic cycle and summer is my Kali time to clean out the studio, cogitate, regroup ~ especially when it's hot weather. Rain, cool and a little Elvis later, here's a block-in for a painting continuing my "Working The River" series. Of course, there will be a few more sessions of push - pull adjusting the paint and values with brushes or knives. I'm happy to have something on a canvas and understand creativity is never permanently broken. 

Femme sur le bleu...

Still wading through the flat files and purging ... I like this one. Ink on acrylic ground.

Studio purge...

After a particularly discouraging drawing session decided to purge the oversize flat file. Charcoal. 36 x 23. Kinda like this one...