30 Minutes...

Drawing is like exercise. We can accomplish a lot in 30 minute increments. 

Tolga Kashif Queen Symphony

THE QUEEN SYMPHONY HISTORY: Kashif spent two years composing the Queen Symphony. He conducted the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in its debut on Wednesday 6 November 2002. It was performed in the Royal Festival Hall and broadcast on ABC TV to a wide European audience. That night, it received a standing ovation from over two thousand people.


Without art and music in the world, there are some mornings I wouldn't get out of bed. So thankful I can hear and see and feel the beauty. In Alaska, Dad hauled boxes of vinyl and reel-to-reel into the middle of nowhere every time we moved ~ even when light plane or boat was the only access. We woke up and went to sleep to whatever music matched his mood. He blasted Sousa or Strauss down the valleys because he could. He'd bring us boxes of the latest Disney soundtrack or Rock n Roll 45's if he went into town. Dad would have loved Spotify or Pandora. Freddy Mercury is one of the great composers of the last century. Here Tolga Kashif pays tribute. And I can make it one more day.

Prescient ...

Prescient. Acrylic. 24 x 12" 

Prescient. Acrylic. 24 x 12" 

Started this painting the day before Kilauea spoke... I love the Big Island.  

Spring ...


Don't tell the rest of the garden but this little nook of bulbs nestled into the base of the Empress Tree is my favorite part of spring. 

Try, Try Again...

Working The River: Oregon City Downtown, Elevator No 2, 36 x 18" Acrylic

Working The River: Oregon City Downtown, Elevator No 2, 36 x 18" Acrylic

Downtown Oregon CIty Elevator No 2. is the second iteration of this unusual Oregon landmark. The first is enjoyed in a private collection yet, I wasn't totally happy with the first attempt. New and improved version in terms of composition.