Exquisitely content when it's so quiet I can hear the paint drop into the interstices of the canvas. Pure heaven. Closeup from a new painting, Siuslaw River Bridge, Florence Oregon.
Get. A. Job.
Does anyone else ever have a painting that won't grow up and leave home? This one came close to a dose of gesso. Why is totally curious to me. Could be the figure this one is painted over wasn't happy about her outcome. I was happily rambling and when I saw this quaint water tower, I was totally charmed. Then the painting became so high maintenance, I finally told it if it wanted to survive, it needed to go find a home of it's own.
Possible painting...
Experimenting with different papers and surface treatments. May have found one I want to pursue. 24x24ish. This may grow up to be a painting one day...
There has to be a first one...
The first painting from Working The River series. A professor suggested to us, if we wanted to develop a "style" and loosen up, we needed to paint one substantial painting a day for a year. Spend at least three hours with a 16x20" ish canvas everyday, no matter if we were sick, just dumped by the boyfriend or the world was ending ~ we paint and at the end of the year we'll know who we are as a painter. This piece was my brave beginning of this era ~ a return to oils and to find out who I am again in the work. Completion took double the time over the course of a couple days. As a more mature artist, I learned I want to take some time with painting. I don't want a quick date, I want a whirlwind romance so when I pass my work on the street I at least know the name.
Very. Serious. Work. ...
Some things crack me up and I wonder if anyone else sees the humor in life around us the way I do. This door is several stories up in the Blue Heron Paper Company. As if a few frayed ropes would stop someone who is determined to ingress or egress. Part of the series showing this fall.
Normal is only on a washing machine...
Tried to "slow down" and "get normal" in the sketching this morning. Couldn't pull it off. It's best to move out of the way...