Work in Progress. Copper RIver Flats. Oil. 4 x 6’. Some of you have asked about the white lines and if there is more than one canvas. The white lines are chalk guides to edit while I work.
I’ve been on a self-imposed retreat for a year. Sorting things out. I was gloriously happy for eight months at my home in Alaska. Deep diving art and silence. Blissfully unaware, I flew out for business in time to sequester at the Portland studio and experience the global Dark Night of the Soul.
You’ve come to the place where I share ideas of possible interest to artists, healers, mystics, outliers and introverts. Muggles welcome. In fact, everyone is welcome. This blog is about concepts, art and technique, healing, spiritual possibilities and what makes life on this planet interesting.
I have an extraordinary capacity to ignore the artistic elephant in the studio. Walked by this painting with eyes averted while exploring other avenues of expression for months. Thought if I posted as a WIP I'd commit to make progress. Keep me honest. The volatility of the U.S. at this time affects even me. I want to be home again where the only thing that changes is the course of the river over time.
Copper River. Oil, 4 x 6'