Segment of Cork Rooftops, 12” x 12”, Watercolor pencil on BFK
These drawings are part of an experiment. I came home from Europe with the idea of making a book based on images from the trip using media and supports I’ve not tried or don’t feel very confident employing. I cut 12” x 15” supports from all of the papers I had scraps or pieces of (from rice paper to canvas pads) and began with this watercolor pencil and marker sketch and the intention the drawings/paintings would resolve at about a foot square. The left over three inches of surface is reserved for notations and binding.
Dover Castle
Dover Castle, 12’ x 12”, Gouache on Fabriano Uno
Part of the Europe book, the second in the step off the cliff of comfort series. Gouache is a media I’ve never used and I’m in the first blush of love. The disappointment was finding out it’s been so long since I’ve used watermedia that Uno paper isn’t manufactured anymore and I have to find another support.