Choose Your Battles, Archetype:Warrior, a bas relief cast and assemblage featured at the opening of Archetypes last night. So jazzed to be living in sculpture again.
Choose Your Battles, Archetype:Warrior, a bas relief cast and assemblage featured at the opening of Archetypes last night. So jazzed to be living in sculpture again.
The opening for Living Their Memories was marvelous. Thank you to Elizabeth Steinbaugh for encouraging me to pull these out of the drawer and share them. It was gratifying to hear people resonating to the universal stories and moved by their experience interacting with the work. Ancestors are a part of who we are and more important to our here and now than we realize. I appreciate all of you who came to support the show.
Seeing my art in a show is always a satisfying experience. Conscious and Unconscious Landscape at the Red Soils campus of Clackamas County offices, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City, Oregon under the sponsorship of Clackamas County Arts Alliance.
Pastel on paper with my full conscious attention to accomplish the “realistic” scenery. The black and white “fantasy” landscapes are done on the rare occasions when I relax with a film. My conscious mind keeps up with the action on the screen while the unconscious turned loose in alpha state keep the pencil moving.
A beautiful gallery space and thanks to Sue Allen for her curatorial magic.
Peeps and I had a wonderful time in Bend experimenting with encaustic collagraphs. Thanks to Ron Schultz for showing me how to use the encaustic to make a printing plate.